That is the question! We were having a discussion in the office today about whether we :
#1: Should wear sleeveless after a certain age/weight/or for a certain occasion.
#2: Should wear panty hose.
#3 Felt comfortable wearing the graphic prints that are out there or if we should leave that to the younger generation.
The answers varied! Two of us--- one a size 18 and the other a size 4 (we'll forgive her as she is related to me) did not feel comfortable wearing sleeveless at all. I said never, unless to work out or if it was so hot and I had to be outside like last year in August in Vegas.
One, a size 14 felt comfortable as long as she could put a jacket on if needed.
None of us wear hose anymore. All of us hate hose. All of us wear body shapers from time to time. With me being the most resistant. I get hot.
And, all of us wear some form of the graphic prints. A tip for the graphic prints like our Kaktus dress above: Think about layering if you are in a bold mood. Stay within one color scheme and keep hemlines consistent. Pair with a statement jewlery piece such as as a piece from our own Nina Nguyen or Marjorie Epstein that won't break the bank or a chain link set which is always in style such as our Black Cat Plus Chain link necklace.
We are T-10 and counting to our new home at http://www.blackcatplus.com/
our new site! Hope you like our new look! We will be anxious to hear.
One last thought, I cut this one out and put it on my bulletin board. Quote for the Week: Keep reinventing yourself until you become the woman you want to be. Diane von Furstenberg
We're working on it! How about you! More Later. Jodell
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